The Things They Carried by Tim O'Brien

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Task 4 Essay “…although the world is full of suffering, it is full also of the overcoming of it” - Helen Keller. This quote can be interpreted as; even though the world is suffering, there are many ways of beating it. The two novels “Bloods” by Wallace Terry and “The Things They Carried” by Tim O’Brien disagree with this quote. Both novels are written about the Vietnam War, revealing the dark sides to the war that so many of us rarely hear about. This is relevant to disagreeing with this quote because in both stories the young men are haunted by what they have seen, and by what they have had to do during war. “Bloods” by Wallace Terry is about Black Veterans of the Vietnam War. The way this book is written its chapters are about different black veterans and their stories and roles during the war. The chapter narrated by Eugene Woodley “Gene” shows that it disagrees with the quote through Gene’s use of the literary elements. An example of this is conflict. Gene’s conflict in this chapter is self versus self because the man who was stalked down in the middle of a field haunts him to this day. When he finds this man, the man was cut open with maggots eating his rotting organs and he was begging for Gene to kill him because he was in so much pain and he knew that he was going to die anyway. Gene struggle with his thoughts about what he should do, until he realized there was no way this man could live, which led Gene to shoot the man in the head so the man would not have to suffer more before he died. This memory has haunted him the rest of his life Gene said. Another literary element used in this chapter was point of view. The point of view for this chapter was first person. This is important because it allowed the reader to connect with Gene emotionally, so that we could become on his level and experience what he experienced. It allows the chapter
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