The Story of My Dovecot by Isaac Babel

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Kaleidoscope Perspectives. As each individual matures with time and age, they lose more and more of their childhood which is replaced with their new experiences. Ironically, as children, our imaginations are the least corrupt yet we are inherently, limited by parental direction. One must raise the question—why is that we must always face the crushing reality that our ideals may never materialize in when surrounded by the suppressing reality? Even more, why are the despairing truths in reality unavoidable, despite our free will and potential to change them? In our maturity, we ultimately develop different perspectives which dictate our everyday choices and the eventual consequences of our free will. Thus, in the short story “The Story of My Dovecot”, Isaac Babel presents to the reader the duality of free-will as it is used to bring about desires yet creating misfortune. Babel furthers this theme through the use of indirect and direct characterization, the harsh setting of the Pogrom along with religious symbolism to express the potential of one child to obtain desire, juxtaposed with the corrupted state of adults who fail to reach their goals due to their perspective of knowledge and experience. Throughout his story, Babel reinforces the concept of the actions and mind-set of adults in contrast with the temperament of a child furthered by indirect and direct characterization. In the exposition of the story, the reader is presented with the main goals of the narrator, the childish longing for a dovecot, enforcing the purity and innocence of the child. Babel portrays the narrating character to be innocent and of the naïve nature even when the adults, including the teachers who used to put cunning questions to Jewish boys, were set to be against him. Although the attitude of those surrounding him was oppressive, the protagonist was able to achieve top marks,
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