The Story Of Chaucer And The Canterbury Tales

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The Canterbury Tales is a story written by the great English literature writer Geoffrey Chaucer. He was the first to write many masterpieces in English rather then French or Latin to demonstrate its artistic legitimacy. He is most remembered for his unfinished masterpiece The Canterbury Tales. A tale of pilgrims on a pilgrimage from London Borough of Southwark to visit the shrine of Saint Thomas of Canterbury. On a April day, a group of English pilgrims meet outside the Tabard Inn and is joined by the Inns keeper just outside London. They set out on a pilgrimage from London to Canterbury to pay their respects to the tomb of Saint Thomas at Canterbury Cathedral. Religious characters in the story (a prioress, monk and a pardoner) travel alongside a shipman, miller, carpenter, reeve, squire, yeoman, and a knight. The rest of the group is made up of upper and lower class pilgrims. On the way to Canterbury the pilgrims agree to tell four stories each two going and two coming. The person with the best story was rewarded with a meal paid by the rest of the pilgrims. The knight begins the story telling and the rest follow behind. Some pilgrims tell stories that reflects their social life while others tell stories which are intended to offend others. In the end no one is choose because everyone didn’t get a chance to tell their story. In the end Chaucer ask that is any one who he has offended forgive him that he had no intention to hurt anyone and if he did was to pray for the mercy of his soul The meaning of quote 1 In April the sweet showers fall and pierce the drought of March to the root, and all the veins are bathed in liquor of such power as brings about the engendering of the flower. General Prologue This quote tells about the April showers that come to poor new life unto the earth with flowers after a drought in March destroyed the Earths beauty.
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