The Storm Short Story

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Travis Danner Professor Young Eng 200-1A 10/3/11 The Storm In any short story there are many key elements that allow us to understand what is going on and help us to get a feel for what the environment is like when we enter a story. When reading a story one of the most important aspects to look at is the setting in which the story takes place. The setting is the time and place where the story begins. It lets us know the time period, the mood, and the overall environment in which we are entering into. The setting can be impacted by many things, even something as simple as the weather. Throughout the short story “The Storm” by Kate Choplin we are shown how the setting plays such a crucial role in helping us to foreshadow the ever changing mood, and plot of the story. Throughout “The Storm” Choplin shows us how the setting contributes to the characters comfort, forces characters to act, and how it creates conflict. The setting in this story takes us play by play and allows us to get a feel for how the characters are forced into acting in different ways based on the different situations they are faced with from the storm. The setting in this story takes place at the beginning of a storm where Bibinot and his son Bibi are at the store finishing up some shopping. They are both eager to return home to Calixta however the weather is looking fierce so they are forced to stay at the store until the storm passes. Right out of the gate we are told that the weather is conflicting with Bibinot and his son’s trip home and they are forced to wait it out which leaves his wife Calixta home by herself. The story then turns to Calixta, home alone oblivious to the storm. As she sees it’s getting dark very quickly she begins to shut the house up. While she was doing so she noticed Alcee Laballiere. Alcee was once Calixta’s long lost flame and was riding by to seek shelter from
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