The Social and Technological Changes of the Industrial Revolution

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The Social and Technological Changes of the Industrial Revolution The changes that come about during the time of the industrial revolution were beneficial to workers as a whole and individually. Before the industrial revolution having a large family was the best protection against poverty. The more children one had the more work could be done. Work, which actually meant trying to survive involved the man, woman, and all children who were old enough to perform a given task. From the food they ate to the clothes they wore everything was made or grown by the family. Life was hard for the whole family. The early families were already finding ways to make life easier for themselves by “inventing” ways to make things last longer, speed up processes, and avoiding wasted time. A necessity is something that you need to have in order to live. (Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English) These early inventions by ordinary people were a necessity to live. Finding a way to “refrigerate” cow’s milk, wash clothes, and cook food were all necessary to survive. “Necessity is the mother of invention” ( is a phrase that gives the reason people were desperate to find ways of making their life easier while trying to survive. Revolution in the simplest terms, means a great change. (Buzzle) For these hard working men, women, and children, it was the beginning of a great change. Through the industrial revolution there was less “wasted time”. Over the next hundred plus years, families could multitask and save time and money as well as add years to their lives while making their lives easier. With the invention of the washing machine, refrigerator, sewing machine and wood stove alone women could now take care of the children, decorate the home, and sew for her family at the same time her meal was cooking, the clothes were being washed
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