The Significance of Computers in Todays Society

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The Significance of Computers Today Definition of a Computer “A computer can be defined as a programmable, electronic device that accepts data, performs operations on that data, presents the results, and stores the data or results as needed. Being programmable, a computer will do whatever the instructions-called the program-tell it to do.” [1] [1](Morley, D. & Parker, C.S., Understanding Computers Today and Tomorrow 12th edition, p.11) Why Computers Are Important The importance of learning about computers is becoming more and more apparent in today’s world because computers have become an integral part of our lifestyles; in our homes, schools and work places. The increasing prominence of computers and computer technology in almost all aspects of our lives has pushed for the need to learn about computers and how computers work. This helps us make the most of the technology available to us, to use it safely, efficiently and effectively. History of Computers Computers came to popular use In the 1980s, with the advent of microcomputers. Microcomputers are inexpensive personal computers that were invented in those years and caused a drastic increase in computer usage. Nowadays most professions require you to use a computer. Work in fields such as engineering, accounting, consultancy, medicine, law all are made more efficient by the usage of computers. In homes, computers facilitate work, entertainment and communication to all members of the family. As such, basic computer literacy is becoming more and more a necessary skill to have for everyone today. Computers have also enabled people to work completely from home, through telecommuting; it is possible to work from a remote location while connected to a business network via the Internet. Computer technology has also brought us smart appliances which are appliances that have some computer technology integrated

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