The Semai Essay

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The Semai a Peaceful Society The Semai people are semisedentary who that lives in the center of Malaysia Peninsula in Southeast Asia. Their language is Mon-Khmer. The Semai belong to the Senoi ethnic group. The Semai’s are known as indigenous people who call themselves simply people. They are a peaceful society especially known for their nonviolence. The Semai are horticulturists who have a gifted economy. Their peacefulness reflects every aspect of their lives such as beliefs and values, gender relations, and religion. The Semai’s are called dream people. Semai beliefs represent a strong nonviolent image of them where conflict is avoided. The raise their children to also be nonviolent to ensure the ways are non-aggressive, dependent, and loving. They see their world as a nonviolent place, but are helplessly surrounded by outside forces. Although this peaceful society is known for their nonviolence, violence is not unknown to them. Semai’s have long to stay true to their beliefs, even today. The Semai has strong beliefs and values for their nonviolent image of themselves. The Semai of Malaysia homes are in the rainforest and mountain ridges. They live in villages and the structure is built with wood, bamboo with weaved walls, and roof made of palm trees. The Semai’s houses have no visible bedrooms. All the children sleep in the main hall. The only separation is a beaded curtain separating parent’s room. There are no locks used from preventing someone from entering a room. A way to tell if an entry was unwanted is by closing off the curtain. To allow an entry curtains are drawn to the sides and tied. Permission is requested among entering a closed entry. Without permission there is some kind of natural retribution involved. Conflict was not a solution among the Semai society. If any type of conflict with a neighbor, they would move to another area. They obtain
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