The Role of the Health and Social Care Worker

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Outcome 1 understand working relationships in health and social care 1. Explain how a working relationship is different to a personal relationship A personal relationship is one where your personal life and extra curricular activities and social life are involved. A work relationship is another way of describing a relationship with your co-worker. You spend time together at work, you work well together, but you have little or no contact outside of work. It's strictly professional. Relationships are probably the most involved and emotionally charged area of our lives. From the moment we are born we form relationships, each one requiring something different from us and giving us something different in return. The difference between a working relationship and personal relationship is that a working relationship is where you are placed with other people and work as part of team where each individual is working next professional codes of conduct, towards the attainment of mutual aims and objectives. By working to a set of rules and procedures for which you're paid, you are accountable and responsible for any mistakes and errors you make. Time restrictions and boundaries apply and you do not necessarily have to like the people you work with but need to keep personal opinions and feelings to yourself. Mutual deference and understanding is a key factor in developing a good working relationship. A personal relationship is a relationship formed through choice, with someone who you like, who you may share welfares and feelings with. In a personal relationship there are no sets of rules and procedures to follow and you are able to voice your personal feelings, thoughts and feelings. A personal relationship is therefore formed simply because you like that person and choose to have that relationship with them whether it is a family relationship, friendship or sexual

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