The Role of State in World Politics

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Essay There exists a number of different theories, which each try to explain the role of the state in world politics. There are, however, two major school of thoughts namely liberals and realists who explain, and at the same time try to predict the function of international relations. To be clear from the outset, it’s worth to mention the fact that both theories try to make a better and safe world through their ideas and explanations on how to run the international politics. Each of these two theories try to solve the problems and puzzles of the state behavior on their own way. There is, however, a distinction in their view how the world politics function. Liberalism, as a school of thought which has its roots in the Enlightenment period has an optimistic view and they highlight the reason to be applied in order to make world a better place. Apart from the states that are considered as the main actors in the International Relations, the liberalism also consider the role and importance of other different organizations in shaping the International Relations. In other words, the liberals treat the international relations as a good body to keeping the security and positive path of the world development. On the question of war and peace, according to liberalism there is a distinction of states to ‘good’ and ‘bad’ states. This leans mainly on their idea that the states differ significantly with regard to their internal factors. Wars are usually committed by the ‘bad’ states, and therefore the main point to keep the peace is to populate the globe with good states, as the latter is more focused on cooperative policies. This can be achieved with democratic regimes on the states, which is the most preferable regime for liberals, because such a regime within the society results with positive effects on the relations between the states in the international line. At the
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