The Role of Preventative Actions in Ensuring Athletes Wellbeing

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The role of preventative actions is to enhance the wellbeing of an athlete; in netball this involves an understanding of the correct physical preparation, sports policy and the sports environment and environmental considerations. Physical preparation involves pre- screening, skill and technique, physical fitness, warm up, stretching and cool down. Sports policy and the sports environment involves modified rules for children, matching of opponents, and use of protective equipment, safe grounds, equipment and facilities. Environment considerations involve temperature regulations, climatic conditions, guidelines for fluid intake and acclimatisation. Firstly pre-screening is an effective way for sport physiotherapists to identify the current musculoskeletal condition of the athlete. A physical assessment of the athlete allows the sport physiotherapist to obtain base data which can for example: identify past and current injury, which can lead to specific exercise prescription aimed at managing the condition and preventing further injury. Skill and technique relates to the efficiency with which a netball athlete or any athlete performs the required activities. The wellbeing of athletes in netball is enhanced if the correct technique and skills are carried out. This prevents injury as well as improves performance. The coach has a very vital role in guaranteeing safe movement is acted upon when performing difficult movements that require precision which comes from practice. For example a netball athlete is taught the correct way to pass and catch a netball. This makes certain of a strong pass, correct passing technique (which will prevent injury) and the correct catching technique (which will also avoid injury to for example fingers/hand). Possibly the most important preventative action in enhancing the wellbeing of athletes is physical fitness. Netball athletes should

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