The Role Of Motivation And Happiness: What Needs To Happiness

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elucidates that an individual is motivated to work on a certain task if he or she finds meaning to it that leads to happiness while Handel (2012) specified the role of motivation to happiness. According to him, motivation propels the individual to reflect and instill change if the present condition of life is unsatisfying. From the reflection and instilled change, it will eventually lead to happiness.
Freud has explained that by nature human is hedonistic. The individual has the tendency to arrange behaviors in a continuum in such a way that the behaviors may lead to desirable outcomes. The motivation of the individual is towards gratification or satisfaction and in other theories it is equated to happiness. Needs by structure are controlled and instigated by id. Though the individual perceives the presence of the drive object or there is an absence of it, the end of the behavioral pattern is satisfaction or happiness (Dynamic Psychology). For Freud, he views that hedonism asserts pleasure and happiness as the chief goals in life.
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Self-determination asserts that there are three basic organismic needs – competence, autonomy, and relatedness. One of the strongest human motivations according to the theory is the need to engage in warm relations with other people. Erber and Erber (2011) affixed the correlation of motivation and relationship. Being in a relationship entails a need for affiliation, for intimacy, and to belong. These needs serve as motivators for an individual to seek company of others, especially in times of fear and uncertainty. It also goads the individual to seek relationship depth and leads to yearn for someone who will compliment the need to be
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