The Role Of Leadership In Strategy Formulation And Implementation

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DISCUSSION QUESTION 1 Leadership goes beyond management because management only involves getting things done using available resources while leadership involves driving through changes and new initiatives in an organization. Effective leadership uses expert power, charismatic power and referent power to accomplish specific work goals and influences the behavior of others at work. Effective leadership gets others to do what is required to accomplish organizational goals. According to John Kotter however, the leaders that use formal power as a sole source of influencing behavior to make organizations competitive and responsive have only managed to fail the organizations obtain its competive edge. Effective leadership is motivational and helps subordinates link their personal goals to the overall corporate goals. As the individual subordinates get motivated to achieve their personal goals they in the process implement the corporate strategy. Effective leaders truly motivate their people to work with enthusiasm towards the corporate aims. Effective Leadership succeeds in implementing business strategy by being inspirational to their subordinates and having a shared vision with them. When employees feel valued in the business they would support the mission and the vision of the business thereby being able to successfully implement the business strategy. Effective leaders have the ability to turn strategy into action plans linking identified performance factors with strategic initiatives. To effectively implement business strategy effective leadership takes action by communicating the strategy and plans to the subordinates, setting individual targets and work plans aligned to the strategic priorities as they constantly monitor and measure progress. Major Internal elements that shape strategy. Major Internal elements that shape Strategy are called Core

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