Mutapa Kingdom Essay

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The rise and the decline of Mutapa Empire was due to many factors, but one cannot say something about Mutapa and leave the name Great Zimbabwe. Oral tradition, written records and archeologist, turn to match the rise of the Mutapa Empire with the decline of the Great Zimbabwe. Mutapa Kingdom soon after laying its foundations enjoyed a number of advantages which led to its magnificent growth. Philosophy:, defined state as a form of political or polity that is distinguished by the fact that is not itself incorporated into other political associations, though it may incorporate other associations. The state is thus a supreme corporate entity because it is not incorporated into any other entity, even powers such as other state. However state can be defined as a country with its own political government. Around the fifteenth century the state was being called by various names Munhumutapa, Mono Mutapa, Mwene Mutapa but they generally accepted the name Mutapa State. The origins of this state remained unclear but it is assumed that Mutapa came into life after the fall of Great Zimbabwe. Some of the Historians argued that the state existed before the…show more content…
Prew, Pope, Mutwira, Barnes, Mutuwira, Pwiti and Mvenge (2010) contributed that the empire was able to survive until the ninetieth century. The state had a strong economy rooted in agriculture, livestock rearing and external trade with the Swahili and Portuguese merchants on the Mozambican coast. /99081632/untitled stated that the presence of a strong army and leadership resulted in the stretching of the state by conquering other states. The state also expanded in terms of boundaries. The Mutapa Kingdom rule stretched west to Angwa and Manyame river, north to the Zambezi and east to Musengezi. T.O.Ranger contributed that Mutota embarked on major military campaign to create vast personal empire over the entire
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