The Rise of Social-Networking

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Social-networking: communication, advertising and politics Social-networking is the way of the future across many platforms. The purpose of this report is to ascertain if the questions of three aspects of social-networking can show how social-networking is effective, or not, in three different mediums. How will social-networking help better communication among people; how can social-networking improve marketing, specifically advertising, for business; and how is social-networking affecting politics? Research has indicated that all of these mediums have been positively or negatively affected by the advancements made in social-networking. The problem comes from whether or not social-networking is actually an improvement over other mediums previously used. Today there are millions of users online 24/7, texting, Facebooking, Tweeting, Linking-in, Skyping, Camfrogging, etc. Communication is at an all time high, but at the same time, it has come at the high price of physical interaction. The definition of communication is not just speaking and listening, but a mutual understanding of things spoken and listened to. In many ways, social-networking has actually caused regression in the abilities of true communication, while providing a mass explosion in communications. Is this to say that, because people are using social-networking as the most effective means of communication, people are not communicating properly? This begs the question, how do we know if we are effective communicators? Too often today, there are people who say things over a text message, instant message, tweet, etc, which is perceived as completely irresponsible or can be wholly misunderstood. For instance, in the early 21st century as e-mail really became popular and social-media networks like Facebook and Myspace took off, there was a whole social etiquette system that became developed.
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