The Rise And Fall Of The Maurya Empire

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Medieval Indian Empires: The Rise and Fall of the Maurya Empire Word Count: 3,131 Human history is widespread with many empires and civilizations which have come and made exit in history. For a population to survive it must be in a location with abundant resources and the availability for economic trade. Empires in general develop from a strong military force by conquering the existing civilization. A respected and commanding ruler is needed to maintain social harmony. Like any other empire, Maurya Empire rose to its peak and then gradually started to atrophy in strength after being in the limelight for about one and a half centuries. The Maurya Empire existed approximately from 321 BC to 185 BC. The Maurya Empire is thought to have originated from the Magadha kingdom which was known to be in the Indo- Gangetic Plains. This Indo- Gangetic Plain on the other hand is known to have been in the now modern Bihar, Bengal, and Uttar Pradesh regions. At its highest point, the Maurya Empire stretched northwards alongside the Himalayas, natural boundaries, while at the same time making incursions eastwards into Assam. The Maurya Empire also stretched westwards so that it went beyond Modern Pakistan. It is within this western hemisphere that the Maurya Empire was able to annex Balochistan and a larger extent of the present day Afghanistan. Similarly, the Maurya Empire was able to expand into central India and the southern regions of India under the guidance of Chandragupta and Bandisura as some of the pioneering emperors. Nevertheless, the Maurya Empire excluded small pockets of forested regions and other unexplored tribal bases within the precincts of Kalinga. It is has been established that the Maurya Empire was founded in 321 BC by Chandragupta Maurya. By extension of the above principle, Chandragupta Maurya had overthrown the existing dynasty,

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