The Rez Analysis

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Ian Frazier “The Rez”: What Was Courageous About Her Dance That Day? Today many cultures and ethnic groups are still faced with discrimination and prejudice in this country. Although there are a few people with enough integrity to be civil; there are still those that choose to be ignorant about these ethnic groups and the contributions, sacrifices and courage they have shown and continue to show. Still with all these adversities and difficulties there is one person that breaks threw those barriers. Such as the case of a the young Indian girl named SuAnne by her allowing all the elements of physical, moral , social, creative courage to come shining through all at once in a dance. What was courageous about her dance you ask? This was a child that allowed herself to be vulnerable and face adversity in front of peers and adults alike. SuAnne was a fourteen year old South Dakota, Lakota girl from the Indian tribe of Oglala. As a freshman in high school SuAnne played basketball for her school team at Pine Ridge. While a member of her high school basketball team SuAnne became a legend in her own right. Her…show more content…
This act of coming so close to an enemy but not hurting or killing them with just a touch of your hand or a stick; even though you could have killed them before they knew what happened. This act alone was viewed as braver than taking a human scalp, horse or prize, because the act was so bold and dangerous. SuAnne used her skills of coup to subdue the crowds taunting and rude remarks by having them watch her as she preformed her traditional dance that she had perfected with practice as a young child. Once SuAnne began to dance using her own jacket to simulate a shawl, she began to win the crowd over. As they watch they began to see the beauty of an actual authentic Indian
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