The reputation of classic studies in psychology is well deserved. Discuss.

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The reputation of classic studies is well deserved. Discuss. Certain studies that have been conducted over the history of psychology have become known as “ Classic Studies” within the Psychological community. These studies have contributed to the advancement of psychology as a science either as a result of the questions that motivated the research, the methods of experimentation that were used, the nature of the findings or the impact that these findings had on psychology. In this essay I will be looking at a number of studies which are widely considered to be “ classic psychological studies” and discussing if the reputation they have garnered is a deserved one. The first classic study I will discuss is Watson and Rayner’s study of behaviourism entitled “ Little Emotional Albert”. This study was the first to look at classic conditioning in humans, rather than animals and is considered to be pivotal in introducing behaviourism as a widely accepted area of study in psychology. Watson and Rayner carried out the experiment at John Hopkins University. The experiment was conceived after Watson observed children playing in a field. He became interested in finding evidence and support for his theory that the reaction of children, whenever they heard a loud noise, was prompted by fear. He reasoned that this fear was innate or was due to an unconditioned response. He felt that by following the principles of Pavlovian conditioning, he could condition a child to fear another distinctive stimulus which would not normally be feared by the child. The test subject in this experiment was the child of a staff member of the Phipps clinic at John Hopkins university. The subjects name was Albert. He was selected for 2 main reasons: he had spent the majority of his life in the hospital where his mother worked, so he was familiar with the environment where the experiments
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