Essay On Talent And Talent

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Talent & Fame Some people believe that real talent of a popular musician cannot accurately be assessed until the musician has been dead for several generations, so that his or her fame does not interfere with honest assessment. On the other hand, some people state that great talent is recognized as soon and easily as when we see it, that it is talent that brings fame and not fame that makes talent seem more grandeur than what it is. The first instance of talent and genius in popular music artist that we can think of is Paul McCartney and John Lennon. Both had a very successful and proliferous career. The Beatles were recognized probably as the biggest band in the world still when they where actively performing. Still new generations recognized their great music and talent. The same thing can be said about Elvis Presley, The Rolling Stones (even though they are still performing) and other well-known rock and pop music bands.…show more content…
An example of this is Miles Davis. He was a well-known musician for his talent. Almost two decades after his death, his music is still considered great and his albums like "Kind of Blue", "Miles Ahead" and "Sketches of Spain" are still selling and beating world records. So this is an example of a musician that gets increased recognition after their death. In popular music, it takes time to recognized a talented band and keep it for long in the industry. The reason for this is that by its definition, popular music is music that is quickly accessible and which we do not need a lot of time to identify , digest and understand. The opposite happens with classical or avant-garde music. Popular music is the "voice of the people", so a real talent in this genre are one of the few that sticks for

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