The Rain Horse Conflict

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The plot of the story clearly conveys conflict between mankind and nature. “The land did not recognize him.” Hughes use of personification allows the reader to have feelings for the land; Hughes deliberately does this to allow the reader to be able to feel empathy for nature. The theme of conflict is revealed early in the story, which foreshadows that something worse is going to happen later on. Another way the man is having conflict with nature, is through the weather. The rain is clearly a factor in the story and the impact it has on the man’s emotional and mental state re-enforces the reader’s perception that the man is clearly at conflict with a natural force, the rain. “The sound of rain seemed to seal him in.” Hughes use of personification suggests that the rain is the more powerful one at the moment and is closing the man down. The reader may not be given any history of the man in his description but I think that Hughes uses the horse as an image of the man’s history. “Stunned by the impression the horse had made on him” this quote makes it seem like the horse is part of a memory of himself. This links to the quote “12 years had changed him”, as it gives the impression that the horse symbolizes the person he was in the past as a child, he could have been wild and untamed just like the horse and the quote above suggests that he has grown up. This idea is made clear when he thinks about the horse, “the hair on the nape of his neck prickled slightly”, thus showing that when he even thinks about the horse, here are immediate effects as if he is having a

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