The Quiet Room

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Movie Review “The Quiet Room” “The Quiet Room” is one of the greatest foreign films that I have been able to watch. I was uneasy at first when I heard the title, thinking it was going to be a low budget movie, but after the first five minutes, my complete undivided attention was attained by the film itself. “The Quiet Room” portrays a child at the age of seven, with a profound emotional intelligence, which takes a vow of silence starting from age three, against her mother and father. Throughout the duration of the movie, the little girl speaks out through her mind in order to end any form of communication with her parents. Through her silence, she wishes to reunite her parents and become the family she adored when she was three. During then, she would constantly be admired throughout each day with family hugs, funny games between her and the father such as “playground” and imitating mom whilst putting make-up. She yearns for that life back, and in order for her to convey that message, she goes verbally numb to try and conjoin her parents with peace and bring them back together through their worry over her. From my account, the movie depicts what seems to be a child’s traumatic family disaster. Not only is she going through a rough time with the constant verbal and physical abuse between the parents, she now has to suffer the results from divorce separation. In one touching moment, in her daring attempt to cease altercations with her family all at once, she make-believes a runaway or kidnapping, by hiding herself in her mother’s closet. At this time, the seven year old is giving her parents time to recollect about their actions, the child’s form of timeout towards the parents. Her train of thoughts well surpasses those of her own age. She can tell when the parents are in distress, or when they’re going to talk to her about something inconvenient. The seven
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