The Quest for Freedom

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Amy Alvarez 27 September 2012 The Quest for Freedom Feeling free is so very subjective. Our individuality predisposes a different meaning for each of us. Moreover, the manner in which we are raised, our disparate knowledge and education, divergent interests, and different cultures influence our ideas of freedom. Some people find freedom in singing, going for a leisurely walk, or even simply enjoying a quiet afternoon at home. Others find it in outdoor adventures such as camping, bungee-jumping, or water skiing; still, others find it in high-risk exploits such as drag racing, sky-diving, or mountain climbing. This list of nine activities is meager compared to the myriad of ways we can express ourselves and find a bit of freedom. Indeed, I find liberation in music and dancing. Expressing myself with dance consists of not only physical movement and sensations, but also spiritual stirrings that give rise to spontaneous, pleasurable abandon that I experience as freedom. With the first notes of a song colliding with my eardrums, I am consistently drawn to the realm of dance. Oftentimes, I am beckoned by familiar melodies of songs I like, of any genre from electronica, dubstep, and house music to ambient, trance and rock music. Music winds its way into the far reaches of my body and soul and ricochets inside me. The bass beats hit directly into my core, making my feet tap, my head move from side to side, my hips sway back and forth, and my arms float up, out, in, and down. Accessing that primal rhythm that resides in us all, I can escape totally into the music and the dance. Music transports me to a world of flying notes, rushing tempos, pounding rhythms, soaring soundscapes, and repeating measures, mingled with passionate and powerful lyrics made by soulful, poignant, and distorted voices, accompanied by electronic versions of traditional instruments. In this

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