The Qualities Of Family

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There are two kinds of families ideal and dysfunctional. An ideal family is a family that helps the children learns the important life lessons and skills needed for their life. A dysfunctional family is one that tries to get along with each other but it doesn’t work out so well, and in the end they realized it could have been worse than what they did. My ideal family I have chosen was from The Cosby Show, The Huxtables. My dysfunctional family I have chosen is The Simpsons. The Huxtables where my pick for an ideal family. They would set down to eat all together and would have a normal conversation and would have fun and laugh. The parents would usually find out about a problem and sit there son or daughter down and talk about what they can do to help and fix the problem. In the show the talk about and give lessons on drugs, alcohol, and respect. The Simpsons where my pick for a dysfunctional family. They would sometimes not care about other people’s feelings and push them aside. They would not follow the rules of the house or school and would get in trouble. They are care less for work and school. They always fight on what to do like on how to dress or eat or have fun. But in the end of it all they would somehow teach them self a lesson for not to do in the future. Although the Simpsons and the Huxtables are a different type of families they can be compared. The Simpsons and the Huxtables are both families that set examples for their children. The both sit down together to eat dinner and teach them the meaning of wrong and right. The Simpsons and the Huxtables both have hard times dealing with peer pressure and with drugs and alcohol. Even though they act different they sill care about their family only in different ways. The Simpsons and the Huxtables can also contrast in different ways. The Huxtables teaches their kids to follow the rules and respect
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