The Prophet Muhammad(Saw)

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The Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H.) was born around 570AD , which was also known as the year of the elephant , in Mecca into the Banu Hashim family . The Banu Hashim were members of the ruling tribe of Mecca , the Quraysh . His fathers name was Abdullah and his mothers name was Amina . While Amina was pregnant , Abdullah left on a trading trip to Syria , and on his way back he stopped at Yathrib (later known as Medina ) and fell ill . Abdullah died and was buried in Medina . Muhammad (P.B.U.H.) was born an orphan . Muhammad (P.B.U.H.) stayed with Halimah al-Sa’diyyah until he was 5 years old and then returned to his mother Amina . When he was 6 years old , his mother died and 2 years later his grandfather (Abdul Mutalib ) also died . He was then looked after by his uncle Abu Talib . Abu Talib was greatly attached to him and found Muhammad (P.B.U.H) to be upright ,intelligent, and generous and of good disposition . Muhammad (P.B.U.H) went on many journeys with his uncle which also led him to meeting Khadijah (RA) , whom he later married even though she was 15 years his senior . They had 2 sons , al Qasim and Abdullah who passed away in infancy and 4 daughters , Zaynab , Ruqayyah , Umm Kulthum and Fatimah . PERSONALITY OF THE PROPHET MUHAMMAD(PBUH) . He was handsome , of medium height , walked rapidly which forced his companions to race to keep up with him . People reported seeing light around his body ,and in his face , which they compared to the sun or the full moon . His skin was white and turned rosy from exposure to the sun . He had black eyes and a thick beard . People he touched reported feeling healed , safe and secure . He was humble and did not allow his companions to stand up when he met them or kiss his hand . He sat with his companions where he happened to be . A stranger walking into the room could not tell who the prophet was by his position in
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