The Process of Change : Les Miserables

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The Process of Change: Valjean “Jean Valjean my brother: you belong no longer you evil, but to good. It is you soul that I am buying for you. I withdraw it from dark thoughts and… I give it to God” (26). In Les Miserables, Victor Hugo demonstrates Jean Valjean’s process of change, from a worn-out convict to a wealthy businessman to a loving and devoted father. Valjean, as a worn-out convict, demonstrates change after he meets the bishop. For instance, when Valjean steals the silver candlesticks from the bishop, the police catch him and bring him back to the bishop. Immediately, the bishop pretends that Valjean didn’t steal from him and, instead, gives the candlesticks as a gift. “Forget not, never forget that you have promised me to use this silver to become an honest man” (26). When the bishop gives Valjean the candlesticks, he is literally passing on light as he tells Valjean he must commit to becoming an honest man. The candlesticks remind Valjean of his duty to do what is right. Also, when a young boys money lands under the boot of Valjean; Valjean who has no clue what is happening and has the young boy begging to lift up his foot. Soon the child leaves and Valjean gets up and spies the money. Valjean spots a priest and says, “Have me arrested. I am a robber” (30). He is horribly ashamed of what he has done. The guilt consumes him and he believes he needs to be punished. Valjean now a wealthy businessman named Madeline demonstrates the continuing process of change. To begin, at his business, he employs under one condition: “Be an honest man. Be an honest woman” (40). Just as the bishop had has told Valjean to be an honest man, he is does the same thing with his employees. In hopes of his employees to be honest and become well-rounded people. Besides honesty, Valjean also helps others. When a old man named Fauchelevent is stuck under his horse cart,
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