The Problem of School Attendance Policies

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Huy The Le Writing #4 ISC 210 – Writing II Prof. Embree 07/28/14 The Problem of School Attendance Policies Nowadays, the problem of school attendance policies is becoming a big controversy. More details, many students skip classes aren’t penalized by school, so should they take responsible for their unacceptable behavior? Overall, students should be penalized because of duty, affecting other people, and low performance. To begin with, duty is one of the reasons that cause students being penalized. Firstly, they must go to school because it is their responsibility. Besides, they are rude to their teacher and their classmate. For example, the teacher prepares the lecture carefully, and he or she comes to class to show respect to the students, but if you don’t come to class, you make your teacher feel bad because they come to class for you. Next, it will be unfair for other students if school doesn’t penalized them. If one of the students doesn’t show up without penalty, the others think why they have to go to class to study hard. Afterward, students should be penalized for their duty. On the other hand, the effect from student skipping class to the others seems to be an issue as well. Clearly, students one by one will skip until no one in class without any problem. For instance, I have to wake up early, feel tired, and when I check out the class, some of my friends don’t turn up and they are fined with it, so next time, I will just stay at home and chill because if my friend can skip class, why I don’t. Moreover, usually in class students have group work or class work that they have to stick together and work on it. Unfortunately, one person absent that day, the others will be nervous and cannot do those exercises and receive bad grade because they don’t have enough time to do or they don’t know what they should do. In addition, it can be seen that student

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