However, Claudius had a chance to make a choice, but since his desires for power and treasures were so overwhelming, he chose the murderous path. Knight states "Claudius cannot be blamed for his actions/ they are [rather] forced on him," (Knight, 6-7) and he argues that Claudius's murderous actions and plot of killing were backed up by self-defense to protect from Hamlet from taking away his throne and love of his life. Knight argued that his human sins of greed and envy foreshadowed his rightful judgment which leads him into these behaviors of wanting everything for himself. Furthermore, Knight claims that Hamlet is "inhuman, whose consciousness is centered on death/ As King of Denmark he would have a thousand times more dangerous than Claudius" (Knight, 9-10) because of the impact of finding out the truth
It takes a true person to look past the horror and terror of the monster Grendel. This shows that our society is quick to judge things that they are unfamiliar with. Grendel is a horrifying monster, but acts like this because that is where he comes from. He receives no love and attention from the human society in which he wants to be a part of, so his actions are taken out on that, depicting him as a savage beast. If our society wasn’t so quick to judge from the outside appearance, maybe they would see a lost, lonely creature, just craving and searching for a way to fit
He believes that people will do evil things every chance they get. Machiavelli states “It is necessary for him who lays out a state and arranges laws for it to presuppose that all men are evil and that they are always going to act according to the wickedness of their spirits whenever they have free scope.” Machiavelli believes that man is immoral, evil, and uncontrollable. He says, “Whoever desires to found a state and give it laws, must start with assuming that all men are bad and ever ready to display their vicious nature, whenever they may find occasion for it.” Personally I am more optimistic than Machiavelli, so I believe man is inherently good. Machiavelli would disagree. However, I do agree that when making laws the state must believe that man is evil.
Introduction The problem of evil has been a major concern in the human race with various attempts being made to reconcile the belief in God with the existence of evil in this world. The Christian conception of God as supremely good and powerful has made the problem of evil to be very difficult simply because such a being will make the world a better place than it is by preventing evil from causing pain and suffering to humanity. Both Christianity and Judaism face a great challenge to solve the issue of evil and its existence because of the impact of evil that the holocaust caused on millions of people. Scholars have devoted their time to account for the horrifying events that took place during the holocaust by examining different theodicy
If God is all powerful and in complete control why does he allow such evil things to take place? In order to answer such questions we must first take a look at why we as people are in this predicament. Evil exists not because God is not in control or due to his incompetence as our Father. Evil entered the world through our own disobedience and failure to trust God in his perfection. “The woman was convinced.
In other words, the good effect must be produced directly by the action, not by the bad effect. Otherwise the agent would be using a bad means to a good end, which is never allowed. (4) The good effect must be sufficiently desirable to compensate for the allowing of the bad effect. In forming this decision many factors must be weighed and compared, with care and prudence proportionate to the importance of the case. Thus, an effect that benefits or harms society generally has more … DOUBLE EFFECT, PRINCIPLE OF The Principle of Double Effect is a rule of conduct frequently used in moral theology to determine when a person may lawfully perform an action from which two effects will follow, one bad and the other good.
“God must be Evil” The question “is God evil?” is asked very often with both sides of the question offering different answers to this question with no definitive answer coming about but in both cases people coming out with very convincing arguments for both sides of the story. Some people argue that God is indeed evil because he is omniscient and because of his omniscience he knows that from the moment he decided to create us maybe even before then he knew which of us would reject him thus securing a place in hell for them or would sin again securing them a place in hell and yet does nothing about this. This is a major contradiction to his supposedly being omnibenevolent and some people even go so far as to use examples of murder and rape which are horrific events which they then use to say “how can a loving God allow such a thing to happen?” They then go further into it saying how as God is omnipresent and can see everything that has happened, will happen and is happening he must take some sort of sick pleasure in watching these events occur and so is evil. Or at the very least by allowing such a horrific event to happen without some form of justice or stopping them then he has to be evil as only an evil person would let evil acts go unpunished. Sam Harris uses this idea in one of his quotes saying that “Either God can do nothing to stop catastrophes or he doesn’t care to or he doesn’t exist.
There has to be a trigger to make them no longer have any innocence, and sacrifice themselves as a person. Our Creator is not evil; he wouldn’t make us to be like that either. Great thinkers believed that humans are evil. Philosophers like Thomas Hobbes and also Sigmund Freud believed that humans were evil. Towards the end of his life, Freud became largely disenchanted with the human species and considered us one of the worst types of animals.
Religious organizations have caused some of the worst social conflict. The leaders of religious groups have cultural control over the members. The members believe so strongly in the core values of their group that they do not, or can not, see unethical their behaviors are. Many wars across the world have been started over these strong religious beliefs. For example “one major motive for the
In the world today, there is appalling devastation, pain and suffering endured by millions of innocent people. Most view them as unfair trials; they ask, ‘If there is a God, why does He allow it?’ Although pain and suffering are viewed as unnecessary and unfair trials executed by God on sometimes innocent people, they’re a necessary way in becoming more Christ-like because it is a way for sin to be explicated and for God to be revealed to the lost. From the biblical point of view, there is no intrinsic value in this suffering. Akin to the evil in the world, suffering is a perversion of what should be, which was caused by the disruption of the relationship between mankind and its Creator; it has no value in and of itself. That’s not to say that there can’t be any value whatsoever in pain and suffering.