The Prison System Cost in America

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ENG 110 THE PRISON SYSTEM COST IN AMERICA Introduction: I Prison System. A. Need for Prison 1. Cost of an average inmate 2. Taxpayers’ cost II What prisoner can do to ease the burden. A. Inmates should do a full day of work. 1. Chain gangs 2. Growing food 3. Outsourcing INTRODUCTION: In America criminals are constantly on the rise. The burden of care, feeding and paying inmates sadly falls on the taxpayers. In my opinion the taxpayers money should be use in something useful in the states. Inmates should contribute in a way to care for their own. They are in prison for a punishment they committed and to teach them a lesson. Many different institutions have begun using their inmates in just this way. This is not a new idea and perhaps a more focused eye should be on this possibility. THE PRISON SYSTEM COST IN AMERICA In America our prison system is divided into three different categories that is local, state, and federal. Each one has their own jurisdiction and of course the federal has the highest right depending on the situation of a case. There is no dispute that our prison system is a necessity for public safety, additionally it punishes and reforms those who break the laws. In the 18th Century to it’s modern depiction, one fact has always been a constant and that is the American taxpayer which has shouldered the responsibility for every aspect of inmate care. In America there is more prison inmates than any other country in the world. The current number of inmates in the United States is staggering. Current estimations is that the U.S. currently houses is about 2,250,900 adult inmates, this is roughly 0.7% of the U.S. adult population. The United States
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