The Prince and the Pauper

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Segment analysis The prince and the pauper by Mark Twain The Prince and The Pauper was an English novel written by Mark Twain in 1881. The prince and the pauper was a story set in 16th century. It was a well-known and a classical story read by children around the world. Many adults had read this during their childhood because of its popularity and had been translated into many different languages. The Prince and the Pauper told the tale of two completely different boys who had the same appearance. During the reign of henry the eighth the rich lived in luxury and the poor struggled to survive. The two main characters were Edward Tudor, the son of henry the eighth and Tom Canty the unloved son of the beggar and the thief. Tom Canty always wished to have a glimpse of the royals. One day when Tom was wondering outside the castle, the soldier snatched Tom away rudely and sent him spinning among the crowd. The prince saw the poor Tom, he and helped and invited him into the castle. Tom was surprised of prince’s hospitality and generosity. The story started from here when they traded their clothes; as a result they traded their lives as well. Twain had selected a very formal language and chose the words precisely. The opened paragraph had used formal language and had a normal speed which suggested it was a pleasant and enjoyable story. The opening paragraph caught the reader’s interest, so Twain had started his story successfully by using the formal and pleasant style of writing. The author had described Tom as a very unfortunate and poor boy that had beaten severally when he came back empty-handed from begging. The author also gave a detailed description of Tom’s filthy and dirty clothes. On the other hand, the prince’s clothe was elegant and luxury. This evoked reader’s sympathy towards Tom because the author gave a clear contrast. Three main themes in

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