The Price Of The American Dream

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The Price of the American Dream In the article “Through the Eyes of Immigrants” the author Crystal Poenza discusses how immigrant families struggle in the United States to provide a better future for their children. She provides a series of interviews of children with immigrant parents who tell their stories about the hardship of being immigrant in the United States. Amnesty for illegal immigrants is a debate that has been going on for a long time. During the Obama administration many immigrant families have been separated and deported to their home countries. The critical situations that exist in Central and South America and around the world lead many desperate people to the US in search of the “American Dream”. A dream that can be seen as equal opportunities and freedom that allows all citizens of the United States to achieve their goals in life with enough effort and determination, but this is just a small part of what it is. For some, it is the possibility of achieving more wealth than they might have in their home countries, for others it is the only way for their children to obtain a good education and a great future, and finally, some people see it as an opportunity for an individual to live without restrictions based on race, class, religion, etc. But what are they willing to do to reach that American Dream? This is a question that few ask themselves. The idea of The American Dream is very simple: Everyone in the world can succeed. All you need is effort, work and sacrifice. The opportunities, though, are always there or that's what we want to believe. Unfortunately, it’s not that simple. This dream entails sacrifices and difficulties which must be overcome to make part of the prototype of person that gradually society heralds as a person of triumph. We all have the desire to live well, to have a balanced life filled with amenities. Hard work
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