The Prevalence of Texting While Driving Among Teenagers

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The Prevalence of Texting While Driving among Teenagers It had been a tragedy when Taylor Sauer, an eighteen-year-old driver has been reported dead in a car crash in early March this year. ( Taylor was driving home with one hand on the steering wheel, the other on her cell phone, texting away with a friend via Facebook. The next thing she knew, her car crashed into a tanker truck at 80 miles per hour, and she lost her life right away. Ironic enough, when her phone records were retrieved later, her last message happened to be "I can't discuss this right now. Driving and facebooking is not safe! haha." It was reported from the same news article that she was texting every 90 seconds before she crashed. Just like Taylor, most of the teenagers are aware that multi-tasking, prominently texting while driving is dangerous. The problem here is that, they still do it, even after knowing that it may take their lives so easily by chance. Despite various efforts made to eliminate this risky phenomenon as possible, texting while driving continues to prevail among the younger generations of today. According to the Traffic Safety Facts Research Notes by the National Center for Statistics and Analysis of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, though hand-held cell phone use behind the wheel is found in most age groups, the 2010 National Occupant Protection Use Survey had shown that the use of hand-held cell phone while driving continued to be higher among 16-to-24-year-olds and lower among drivers 70 and older. (Pickrell and Ye 1) In effort to reduce the threat more effectively, more attention should be paid on investigating the causes of the prevalence of the exercise of texting while driving among young teenagers. Loh 2 It is a common acknowledgement that texting while driving poses a great threat not only to the driver itself but also to the other

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