The Presidential Election In The United State

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The Presidential election in the United State Every four years, there is a big event that happens in the United States, which is concerned with the future of America and that event is the presidential election. Voting is a very important means for the American citizen to manage the affairs of the state and supervise the government. Citizens can exert their political rights and express their view through the voting right and having the right to vote is important to Americans. The system of presidential election in America began two hundred years ago. However, the electoral system in united state does not work perfectly. The clamour of reform never stopped and there are four main problems about the electoral system that concern people. The first problem, also the most serious problem is that some special interest group and money will have a big influence on the election. Most of the main leaders of government at all levels in America are elected by a population election and the candidates need extensive funds for canvassing various of the country, adverting campaign and hiring an assistant. Of course the more funds the candidates have the more chance to win. So the electors have to raise funds by accepting the donations from some organizations and individuals. Of course these donators would not spend money in vain and they always want their own supporter to make some policy to advance their interest after the candidate wins the election. In a way, money, in a sense, has a great impact on the success and failure of the election. After the elector wins the election, he or she has to defend the interest of the donors, even sacrifice the general interests of the citizens. The second problem is the election takes too long. Since the election begins, it may take a year to vote for the president. It including the preparation time, can even take two years. However the
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