The Pink Moon, Critical Analysis

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Art Criticism: “Pink Moon” by Sara Golish

The “Pink Moon” a large, 40”X 60” art work, painted with oil paint by Sara Golish. The Subject of the art work is the beautiful lady in the center. The artist created this art work to represent the comeliness of the gorgeous olive skinned beauty.
The texture of the artwork is the shiny metallic background, which creates an unrealistic effect which seems parallel to the reality. The foreground is matte and smooth, and exceptionally detailed. The empty space in the background makes eyes focus into the center. The cool colors on the back ground make the warm colors of the center pop out. Different tones and hues give this artwork a bit of mystery. The lines and strokes accentuate the beauty of this artwork.
The black parallel lines and the series of pink shapes create movement and also they frame the picture. The artwork is balanced in such a way that directs the eyes to the heart of the artwork. The light back ground emphasizes the dark and deep tones of the subject. The artist did a brilliant job tying all the pieces, colors, shapes and patterns together.
I think what the artist is trying to express, is Love and Femininity. The artist created this artwork with a lot of love, and that love shows in the eyes of the woman. The artist mostly used different shades of Pink, which is an international symbol of Femininity. Pink emphasizes the softness and beauty of the woman in the artwork.
I think the artist was highly successful with her art; she poured her heart in her work and created this beautiful artwork. When I look at it I feel love and that every person is beautiful in their own way. What I love about this artwork is the amount of details; all the lines, shades they look perfectly real. The highlight of her hair where light touches it is simply magnificent.

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