The Phenomenon of Memory and Information Processing

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The Phenomenon of Memory and Information Processing 1. The three stages were sensory memory, short term memory/working memory, and long term memory. The sensory memory is the storage of memory in an unprocessed way for a few seconds. The short term memory is when information is retained acoustically and visually long enough for one to use it. The long term memory has the unlimited capacity to encode and retain information anywhere from minutes to a lifetime. Working memory has numerous subsystems that allow for manipulation of verbal and visual information. These processes require the help of the short term memory so, the working memory is actually able to integrate with the short term memory. 2. When you do something so many times it becomes muscle memory or something that becomes automatically processed whenever we do something. Effortful processing is thinking we do consciously. So, driving slowly on a street (automatic processing) and looking for a specific address (effortful processing) is an example of this relationship. 3. Visual encoding is the ability to convert information into mental images. Acoustic memory is good maybe when learning with auditory impulses. There is echoic and iconic acoustic memory. Semantic encoding is the processing of information that can be used in a particular context. You can use visual encoding to try to remember a image of someone’s face, while acoustic encoding can be used to remember a phone number by saying it in a certain rhythm. Semantic encoding is good for learning information and using it on a test. You can use mnemonics or acronyms to help enhance retention. 4. Iconic memory is used for visual information whereas echoic is used for auditory information. Information in echoic memory is sent to the temporal lobe whereas iconic related information is sent to the occipital lobe of the brain. Working/short term memory

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