The Personal Space In a Dormitory Hall

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Hong Kong Shue Yan University Course Title: Introduction of psychology Course Code: PSY100, Section4 Project Title: Human in social context – Hong Kong Shue Yan University Dormitory Hall Introduction People living in the society and this involve communication. Before communication, social context is needed for each and every individual in the world. Social context is the social environment of an individual; and we define it as personal space. According to Edward Hall (1959), the study of the distance between human is called proxemics. What is personal space? Personal space is a concept marking a private area of any individual. Different people have different definition about personal space. According to Edward Hall (1966), personal space is an unconsciously structured micro space around an individual, it is marked out for their personal inhabit. He claimed that personal space can be divided into four distances which is given to different people as a standard of distance away from the individual. Intimate distance is for lovers, about 0-1.8 feet. In this distance, one can feel others heat, breath, sound and smell. Love-making, wrestling, comforting and protecting are usually occurred in this distance. Personal distance, about 1.8-4 feet, is mainly for close friends. This is about an arm distance which marks that people could allow physical touching with another in this area. Social distance is about 4-12 feet away from the body. This distance is for new friends or social intercourse. Usually impersonal businesses with working together with partners are mostly communicated in this distance. Public distance is more than 12 feet away from the body. This is usually for stranger or giving a speech to an audience. In this distance, physical contact is not expected; it will cause hard feeling when stranger moved in to the standard distance.
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