The Person Inspiring Me the Most

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Describe one person who has inspired or influenced your life in a positive way. What was it about him/her that inspired you? When I was sitting in the Training room of KPMG, reading this essay quesition, immidiately the image of my mother appeared in my mind. What I was going to tell about her is as much as what she has been giving and teaching me; and I just want to write a deeply- felt essay to show how truly grateful I am about my mother. No sooner had I started my essay than I wondered whether it is so conventional to tell about Mother as someone who has a big influence in my life. Why do not I take someone else like Ban Ki Moon or Barrack Obama as the influential person to make a strong impression on you or at least to make you have a thought that I am outstanding because of great lessons I have received from those famous people. Although such famous ones are able to inspire a little boy or a little girl to have dreams of changing the world, the fact is that when my life goes wrong or when I am totally depressed and do not know what to do but crying, they can not sit beside me, listening to me, relieving my mind and supporting me as my mother always does. It seems everything becomes better when she just says that “Dear, everything will be fine if you still believe in yourself!”. My mother is kind of a typical Vietnamese woman who dedicates her life to her family. Mom looks gentle on the outside but strong and strict on the inside, which is represented in the way she has brought me up and the lessons she has been teaching me. Now I am a 21- year- old girl studying the third year of university but what I have learned from my mom still keeps beside me, orienting me when I lose my way or when I face obstacles. I remember it as if it was yesterday, suprisingly, as my state of mind on that afternoon of March can be described only of stun and

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