The Pearl Book Critique

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Book Critique After poring over the book The Pearl, by John Steinbeck, I have decided that its overall message is quite fascinating, in that how Steinbeck presents the theme is unique and it caught my imagination. Throughout the course of The Pearl one can see how greed rips apart the moral fibers of all those consumed by it. The setting of the story is in the early 1900s on a Native American campsite that resides alongside an English settlement made of brick and mortar, and where the Native Americans go to sell their pearls after fishing them out of the nearby sea bed. The importance of this parasitical relationship between the two societies, where the English settlers require the business of the Native Americans for various goods and the Native Americans require the English settlers for money to pay for various services that only the settlers can provide, is how it shows that the European settlers have cheapened the Native American lifestyle. The Native Americans used to focus on food and their families, but now their only endeavor is to accumulate money that is not necessary to their way of life, while the English settlers focus on taking any wealth the Native Americans have by underpaying the Native Americans for the pearls they sell to the English. Thus, greed affects both the English settlers and the Native Americans as both seek monetary wealth to no end. Kino, the husband of Juana and father of Coyotito, awakes, in the opening scene, to find his son recently stung by a scorpion and in need of medical attention, but Juana sucks out most of the poison immediately after being woken by Kino; however, the child still looks ill. Kino learns that the doctor in the English settlement won’t help him unless Kino can pay for the doctor’s services. So Kino, Juana, and Coyotito take the old boat of Kino’s grandfather and once they are out in the deeper water Kino

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