The Pathology Of Imprisonment

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Sabrina Johnson Sociology 101 March 2, 2011 Professor McGrath Session 6 Session 6 March 2 Topic:Culture, social Structure, and Socialization. Readings: The Pathology of Imprisonment” #13 in MOS. Reaction Paper #5: How can we sociologically explain the behavior of student “inmates” and “guards”?; Review for midterm exam. Prepare study questions for review. Students who e-mail me a full essay by Friday 1pm will receive 5 points towards their midterm grade. The behavior of the inmates and guards were very horrifying. They saw the guards treat others as if they were despicable animals, taking pleasure in cruelty, while others like the inmates became servile, dehumanized robots who thought only of escape, of their own individual survival, and of their mounting hatred for the guards(Philip E. Zimbardo). The sociologically impact it had on them were by separating them from human society. They were told what to eat, wear, sleep, when to socialize, and when to use the toilet was dehumanizing them. At first they thought it was going to be easy and they were doing it for the money, but they then realized it was more then that and it was more to come. As Philip E. Zimbardo can state that the mere act of assigning labels to people and putting them in situations causes pathological behavior. This situation , as presently arranged, is guaranteed to generate several pathological reactions. In both guards and prisoners as to debased their humanity , lowering their feelings, and making it different for them to be normal.

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