The Outbreak of War in Europe in 1914 Was Due to an Aggressive German Foreign Policy Which Had Been Waged Since C.1900. How Far Do You Agree with This Opinion?

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The outbreak of war in Europe in 1914 was due to an aggressive German foreign policy which had been waged since c.1900. How far do you agree with this opinion? It has been a matter of controversy within Germany on whether or not they went to war with aggressive or defensive intentions. Source V seems to be of the opinion that Germany went to war solely for defensive reasons due to the extensive array of alliances that encircled the country as well as diplomatic tension in Europe. Source W seems to take the opposite approach deeming how Germany’s aggressive actions since the turn of the century resulted in war. Source X seems to take a neutral decision and admits how it is a matter of great controversy but points towards the fact that Germany had always wanted colonial expansion, and also that there is an array of information that supports this. Therefore, I believe that the outbreak of war in Europe was due to an aggressive foreign policy which had been waged from 1900. Source W suggests that aggressive Weltpolitik was a major contributing factor leading up to the start of the First World War. After seeing the successes of the British Empire, Kaiser Wilhelm decided that he too wanted an empire and wished for one that could match and outstrip Britain. This called for a more aggressive stance on foreign policy. “German actions going back to the 1890s had done much to create international tension”. Source W states that Germany was more likely to enter conflict with neighbouring countries to gain land and territory increasing German status and strength, due to extreme desire to expand and dominate Central Europe. This is clear in German interest in Morocco. During both Moroccan crises, French and German relations reached new tensions after German attempts to control Western Morocco. However Germany did succeed and managed to gain control of various parts of the

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