The Ordering of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs in Accurate

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Psyc2014 essay: Critically evaluate the claim that “the ordering of Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs in accurate”. Refer to relevant theoretical and empirical evidence to support your argument. Maslow’s theory of motivation (Maslow, 1987) was the starting point to the third force in psychology, humanism. His theory centred on the notion that behaviour is always driven by needs. He derived a hierarchy of needs, at the bottom of which are physiological needs, followed by safety needs, belongingness and love needs, esteem needs, and self-actualization needs. Each need emerges with the satiation of the need before it. Maslow’s theory has sparked a wide range of research into whether his hierarchy order is accurate. There is some empirical evidence to suggest that some order of needs does exist. On the other hand, large range of research claims the ordering is ambiguous or overlapping. Finally, there is question as to whether Maslow’s hierarchy can be empirically tested at all, because his constructs have been interpreted in various ways, and therefore not objectively tested. The Personal Orientation Inventory (POI) is one such measure of Maslow’s hierarchy Shostrom (1963). The POI was administered to 160 adults, categorized as either “relatively self-actualised” or “relatively non-self-actualised” by clinical psychologists before they took the test. Results showed that there were distinct differences between self actualised and non-actualised people. Self-actualised people appeared freer from social pressures, seemed to live in the here and now, had confidence within them, lived in appreciation of self and others and seemed to be more self-supportive. These indeed, are the characteristics Maslow prescribed to a self-actualised person. Furthermore, there are implications that the esteem needs of self-actualised people are satisfied. Maslow (1987) described esteemed
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