The Once and Future King

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In the book “The Once and Future King,” I would have to say that my favorite character is King Arthur. There are plenty of reasons why I chose Arthur to be my favorite character and it was hard to narrow the reasons down. One reason why he was my favorite character was simply because of the person who he was. He was an ideal child and carried the characteristics of his youth to his royal status. Another reason why Arthur was my favorite character was what he does when he comes to royalty and how he shapes his government with an important philosophy. As a boy, young Arthur was often called Wart. Although this nickname is both peculiar and strange, his characteristics, however, were vastly different. Young Wart was honest, trusting, modest, and good-hearted. These traits are not very often found in a child, let alone anyone. Throughout his life into his royal future, Arthur carried these commendable traits with him and did not lose focus of what a good person was meant to be. Having all of these fine traits, he is undoubtedly the protagonist throughout all of the books in “The Once and Future King.” Along with being the “ideal” person, Arthur indeed was the protagonist of this novel. With being the protagonist, or “hero,” he/she has high expectations to uphold. Right from the very beginning, Arthur was the hero of this story and he absolutely met those standards, or expectations that were of him. With his early royalty came great change for the better. King Arthur decided to shape his government and rule in such a way that not only did his people and government gain from it but he did as well. The philosophy that he shaped his government around did not, however, come from his idea but Merlyn’s! In which to me, is a very smart thing to do. Since Arthur had been with Merlyn his whole life, he had not really had much room for his own ideas and philosophies to run
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