The Negative Influence of Virtual Reality on the Humanity’s Future

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The negative influence of Virtual Reality on the Humanity’s future One of the most attracting and exciting new technologies today is Virtual Reality, which is still developing and evaluating. According to Eric Drexler (year) ‘Virtual Reality is a combination of computer and interface devices (goggles, gloves, etc.) that present a user the illusion of being in a three dimensional world of computer generated objects.’ The fact that technology is progressing and reaching, at first sight, unachievable peaks is undoubtedly a significant plus in the history of evolution of humanity. However, there is a risk that the emergence and development of Virtual Reality leads to the loss of the ‘real reality’ in the very coming future. Virtual Reality (VR) is an artificial three-dimensional environment created by computer technology and presented to the user in such a way that he/she almost accepts it as a real environment (Rajvanshi, 2005). The user is allowed to manipulate and explore this simulated reality while feeling as if he/she were inside and a part of that world, which is called immersion (the feeling of being inside of the artificial world and at the same time being able to interact with the environment in different ways). This is done through multisensory input/output devices such as head-mounted display or glasses and stereo earphones which together display three-dimensional images and sounds, data gloves which track movements and walker for feet movements. Then the Virtual Reality is mainly experienced through three senses: sight, sound and touch. The combination of immersion senses and interactivity with virtual world is called telepresence. Computer scientist Steuer (1992) defined it as ‘the extent to which one feels present in the mediated environment, rather than in the immediate physical environment.’ This means that a successful VR experience requires the

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