The Negative Effects Of Social Media

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Social media is a great tool for society; it was reported in Penard’s article that it makes people happier and also allows for global communication and connection. However, social media leads to stress and anxiety because of the constant worry for getting a notification or creating the perfect image on social media. Social media is a platform for social interactions that can increase happiness but it also can cause depression and anxiety from social media interaction. Each source is valid and invalid in its own unique way. The negative article on social media portrays social media as a depressive, inclusive and harmful to the emotions of a human. However, it is invalid because it assumes all people who use social media experience those effects…show more content…
This is because people do not understand how to avoid these topics and social media sites can easily find a way to minimize these situations. “Clearly social media is inadvertently leaving youth susceptible to become overly self-conscious, anxious and ultimately depressed” (Amedie 5). Lack of trust and comfort leads to anxiety and depression. “Social media is robbing us of trust and comfort we once placed in one another, replacing the human fellowship, physical and emotional support we once drew from each other with virtual connection” (Amedie 4). Social media has supposedly caused people to be antisocial which could lead to anxiety because of the fear to interact with another person. “Ironically, social media is in effect turning us into one of the most antisocial generations, yet. We prefer texting to phone conversations, online chat to a face-to-face meeting, and many have replaced human interaction with convenient platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram” (Amedie 4). However, people still know how to communicate by going to school and participating in extracurricular activities. I understand the potential consequences of social media such as anxiety and depression but I believe it is caused by misuse and the person being misinformed. Social media is specifically designed towards showing people what they want to see instead of the real source. The compromise is a simple yet could be very effective in dealing with the physiological effects of social media that would appeal to both points of view. The solution is a tutorial previewing the possible dangers and the false persona people create on social media like the perfect
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