The Negative Effct of Young Children on Media

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The Negative Effect of Media on Young Children Two- thirds of infants and toddlers watch an average of 2 hours a of television a day. Kids and teens ages 8 to 18 spend nearly 4 hours a day in front of a TV screen. They also spend almost 2 additional hours on the computer (outside of schoolwork) and playing video games. Letting children watch too much TV is bad. TV is full of programs and commercials that shows risky behaviors such as drinking alcohol, doing drugs and smoking cigarettes. By watching too much TV children can become obese and may increase the risk of negative behavior to do violent acts when they grow up. Letting children watch too much TV is bad. Children who watch TV have a risk of becoming obese. Kids are bombarded with ads that encourage them to eat unhealthy foods such as potato chips and soft drinks. Children watching an average of 4 hours of TV a day can lead to a lack of physical activity that then leads to obesity. Studies have shown that decreasing the amount of TV that kids watched, led to less weight gain and a lower body mass index. In conclusion, children who watch too much TV have a risk of becoming obese. TV shows violent behavior that may lead to an increased risk of children emulating that same behavior. The average American child will witness 200,000 violent acts on television by age 18. “Alcohol ads on TV increased over the last few years, thirty percent from 2001 to 2006”. By watching too much TV, kids can become bullies in their school.Children can learn violent acts and increase their chances for doing it on their own classmates. As matter in fact, watching TV at age four was the number one factor found to be associated with bullying. So, children can learn from violent acts by watching TV. Some people say that children also benefit from watching TV. There are many educational shows that a child can learn from. Studies

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