The Need to Increase Breastfeeding Rates

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The Need To Increase Breastfeeding Rates. The Need To Increase The Number Of Mothers Who Breastfeed The decision to breastfeed is a mother’s choice. The most recent statistics show that eight one percent of mothers begin by breastfeeding their babies. However by six months only two percent of babies are still being exclusively breast fed. Therefore what are the benefits of breastfeeding and what is being done in order to increase the amount of mothers who choose to nurse their babies. Breast milk is the most natural food designed for babies; it is a live product containing antibodies, living cells, enzymes and hormones that can help to protect a baby from infection and even diseases later in life. Studies suggest that babies who are breastfeed have a reduced chance of suffering from diarrhoea and vomiting, have fewer chest and ear infections and less chance of becoming constipated. The diseases that it can help to prevent in later life include asthma and type 2 diabetes. It has also been suggested that breastfeeding will help to reduce the chances of a baby becoming obese in early childhood. However recent studies have shown that there is little evidence to support this claim. Research published by the British medical journal, involving over five thousands children but did not reveal any new evidence that breastfeeding prevented children from becoming obese. It is not just the babies who benefit from breastfeeding; there are also many health benefits for the mother themselves. Studies have shown that breastfeeding can reduce the risk of women developing breast and ovarian cancer. (Boseley, 2012) states, “ If half of mothers breastfed for at least 18 months of their life – nursing at least two babies – there would be 865 fewer cases of breast cancer a year.” This statement shows that breastfeeding has very real positive health benefits for nursing mothers.

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