Some of which included a high demand of wool which put many people, mostly farmers out of a job. The colonization of the America allowed for great opportunities for farmers and many other jobless English citizens. But, what the King had hoped for were two main objectives. One, to find gold or hard money”, used as an international currency. Two, to find a route to the South seas.
In 1773 was the dumping of tea in the Boston Harbor and in June of 1774 the Coercive Acts, also known as the Intolerable Acts, were created which frustrated the colonists. The way the English had so much rule over them was one of the main reasons why they wanted to declare independence. The battle at Lexington and Concord was April 19, 1775 with the formation of the Second Continental Congress being in 1775. John Dickinson, the author of the document, was a delegate in both the First and Second Continental Congress. He was an esteemed writer who helped Thomas Jefferson write a Declaration of the Causes and Necessity of Taking Up Arms, and also wrote Olive Branch Petition, an appeal to King George III to resolve the dispute.
He was nicknamed, “Man of the People”, but he was born in a predominate family, and lived well outside his means throughout his life. The process of measuring the duality of Thomas Jefferson requires bendable interpretation, adaptability, and sense of time. There are considerable arguments for both sides. A man born of incredible skill and influence, but contradicted by central government power outside the Constitution and popular belief of a prosperous country built on the backs of slaves. An internal battle, I believe, he fought to his dying die.
Maryland was originally established as a haven for Catholics, but eventually there were more Protestants than Catholics there too. The Economy in New England centered around trade because farming was difficult with rocky soil. The main staples were Fishing, Timber, Rum, some slave trade, and shipbuilding over seen by wealthy merchants. In the Southern Colonies it was the staple crops of Rice, Tobacco, and Indigo (before the revolution) and Cotton (after). These crops were grown on large plantations owned by wealthy white males and worked by African slaves.
High birth rates and heavy immigration bespoke easily available land, widely distributed among the farming population. The colonists' dispersion and ethnic diversity helped produce the fragmentation and political instability that became pronounced as populations spread westward after the French and Indian War (known in Britain as the Seven Years' War). The easy availability of land weakened American elites; lacking the ability to live off rents, gentlemen also lacked a secure economic and political base. The southern colonies had stable aristocracies, based on slave ownership; but even the greatest planters lived in fear of slave rebellions. Nor did colonial institutions create stability: governments were small, poor, unbureaucratized, and lacked permanent constabularies; neither a unified market economy nor a
Farming around the thirty year period of 1870 to 1900 was not a fair or successful one. One demographic that suffered immensely was the black population. Fresh out of the civil war, African Americans tried to acquire land, but had a difficult time paying off loans, which had high interest rates and took property as collateral. Black land owners were then forced to take out more loans, which thrust them into a spiraling debt (Document B). As seen in “The Farmers’ Grievances”, a skillful farmer, compared to his physicist or tailor counterparts would never terminate his financial troubles; and in contrast to other professions, advancements and pioneering in the farming field only dug the financial pit deeper (Document A).
The Battles of Lexington and Concord in the spring of 1775 marked the beginning of open hostilities between the Colonies and Britain. These battles were the culmination of difficulties between England and the American colonies. The Colonists were fighting against the economic exploitation and political oppression of Parliament. The root cause of the revolution was the fact that Britain refused to believe that the colonies had outgrown, both economically and psychologically, their former status. Many, many things caused the revolution.
The Native Americans became angered and after the Massachusetts Bay Colony was founded in 1630, they also began to commit bad acts. For example, they killed Anne Hutchinson and her entire family. The relationship of the American Indians and Europeans was negatively impacted by the actions of both parties. The road for more settlement of New England and more conflict with American Indians was set as Europeans still wanted to expand their land and American Indians still wanted to protect their ground. In1606, the Virginia Company of London receives a charter from King James I of England for a settlement of the New World.
The American Revolution was a result of the colonists unrest caused by their abhorrence towards their British Mother Country. For several centuries the colonies had been subject to rule by the English Crown and it’s Parliament. They no longer wanted to be controlled by a country an ocean away, and in turn sought independence. A huge factor in the start of the American Revolution was the French and Indian War that changed the age-old bond between the colonies and England. Decades of conflict followed, starting with the revolt as a result of the Stamp Act in 1765, leading to the eruption of war in 1775.
During this time cotton was in huge demand from Europe, the south started to grow it eventually becoming south’s dominant crop; however there were two major problems, it took lots of labor and time and it had seeds in it. Eli Whitney though, designed and built the 1st Cotton Gin. The cotton gin was such a break through in this time because it was a machine that cleaned the cotton taking the seeds out of it, you only needed one person to work it, and it could do the job of 50 hand cleaners at once. That saved farmers in money to buy slaves, and time, need for each little piece of cotton to be cleaned so much more cotton could be produced in one day. There was one drawback to this though.