The Memory Process Paper

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Instrumental Conditioning Paper Clinton Alford PSYCH/550 – Psychology of Learning Dr. Greggus Yahr December 10, 2012 Instrumental Conditioning Paper Conditioning includes learning connection among a person and events that happen in his or her environment. Two significant theories of learning by conditioning are the following: Operant conditioning and Classical conditioning. Classical conditioning includes the coupling of an unconditioned stimulus with some neutral stimulus innately to produce a learning response (Bradizza & Stasiewkz, 2009). On the other hand, operant conditioning is a procedure of altering behaviors by either punishing or rewarding individuals in which an application is executed until the individual connect the action with distress or pleasure. In their research experiment, Capaldi and Martins (2010) employed a form of operant conditioning to demonstrate how people employed memory reinforcement to acquire particular rules. Operant conditioning is frequently attributed to as instrumental learning. In this paper, the learning situation that will be discussed is alcohol and drug use. The subject to discuss in this paper is to depict the selected learning situation of alcohol and drug use. Most important, in this paper, the subject to discuss is to contrast and compare the notions of negative and positive reinforcements as they connect to the learning situation of alcohol and drug use. The subject to discuss in this paper is also to interpret the position of reward and punishment in the learning situation of alcohol and drug use. Finally, the subject to discuss is to interpret that type of instrumental conditioning would be most adequate in the learning situation of alcohol and drug use. Describe the learning situation of alcohol and drug use A prime example of instrumental conditioning in a chosen learning situation would be
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