The Meaning of Maturity

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The Meaning of Maturity from a Student’s Point of View A student’s maturity is not always necessarily based on physical looks; neither does maturity have to do with a person’s age. Instead, the maturity of a student is defined by the qualities he exudes especially those of self-denial, determination, and dependability. A significant quality shown by a mature student is self-denial. It is the willingness to forgo personal pleasures in the pursuit of the increased good for others, as dictionaries define it. For example, a fully developed, sensible student showing acts of self-denial sacrifices things which he may have personal gains for the sake of many like cutting up leisure times on weekends to extend a hand on outreach programs or community services his school or club conducts. Furthermore, he may also stretch his allowance to the point of not having any extra bill to spare for his whims because he considers his parents’ efforts in earning that money for him. Concisely, a matured student marked by the quality of self-denial is a person who knows and acts the real meaning of sacrifice, practicality, and consideration. Another trait that shows maturity in students is determination. Showing determination means having a clear understanding and establishing a firm purpose. It is the character that displays decisiveness, strength, and faith. Moreover, it also shows the persistence in continuing to do something even when it is difficult. Summed up briefly, a matured student determined by features of determination is the type who is not afraid to take the shots and bravely accept the end results. What is more, he is also the kind who believes that the time will come when it would be the hardships, hindrances, and problems that would give up on him. The last and maybe the most important standard for judging maturity among students is dependability. Prominent
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