The Meaning of Life

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When contemplating the meaning of life from my own beliefs, I can only catch myself as being optimist about the entire concept. Every human has a purpose in life that can be chosen from an external force, but the meaning to your life has to also come from within, internally. Your life involves your personal goals, thoughts, choices, etc. but as time runs out, it’s ultimately up to yourself to choose what you will do with it. You either choose one path or the other. I believe god does have a somewhat significant purpose for a person to by externally, that you can choose to live by or not, but from within, your mind gives you the option to choose if you believe that your choices and significance in the world has caused you to live a life with meaningfulness. Leo Tolestoy untimely believes life has no meaning. He chooses to reflect on the fact that due to aging leading to death, that is evidence to that idea that there is no meaning to life. Although that may seem to be a valuable argument, I choose to argue that age is no evidence to a meaningless life, it is evidence to show that we have a limited amount of time to prove to ourselves that we can create meaning within our lifespan in hope that our high power agrees with our chosen purpose and declares it as meaningful. Paul Edwards has stated, “If life is meaningful, then it is meaningful no matter how long or short it is”. A Pessimist approach on life’s meaning gives off a negative approach to the living. To live a life of no meaning, without any purpose by your own choice will only bring a miserable and useless amount of time. A pessimist may believe that life ultimately has no meaning, but one may question why we are physically living for the short amount of time before death and what are we supposed to do with that time. The answer in my opinion would be to give your life a purpose. Living a meaningful life in
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