The Main Stages of Child and Young Person Development

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1.1. Children go through a continuous process of growth, development and learning all the way into adulthood. This process of development is measured using milestones of emotional, social, physical, speech (language) and intellectual reached. Children will reach these milestones at varying points in their development but as a whole all children will follow a similar development pattern. Children will develop at different rates and may progress unevenly through across some areas, but will generally reach the milestones in roughly the same order. A general explanation of the child development progress would be. From the head down towards the feet, From the trunk of the body outwards, i.e. gaining control of the muscles close to the trunk and head and then moving outwards slowly gaining control of the arms then the wrist and followed by the fingers. From simple to complex. i.e. from grabbing at something to picking it up and eventually being able to throw and catch, or the use of simple words to complex sentences. From general to specific. i.e. emotional reactions involve the whole body in babies but when the child is older these responses may only involve facial expressions. Milestones Milestones mark the achievement of certain mental and physical abilities such as walking or being able to form a sentence, and signal the end of one developmental period and the beginning of another. Researchers who have studied the accomplishment of many developmental tasks have determined the typical ages that are associated with each developmental milestone. However, they have also found that the time spans in which some milestones are achieved can vary, with some milestones being more variable than others Following is a general guide to how children develop within the following age ranges: 0-3 years 3-7 years 7-12 years 12-16 years 16-19 years Development – Ages
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