The "Lottery" Explicantion

974 Words4 Pages
Alfredo Barajas
English Composition II
James Yates, Ph.D.
Fiction Analysis
The word lottery suggests luck and happiness. Shirley Jackson gives a whole new meaning to the word “Lottery”. In the short story “The Lottery” Shirley Jackson intentionally gives the story a disturbing double meaning. “The lottery” it’s an ancient tradition in a rural town of 300 people somewhere in America. Every year on the 27th of June one of its villagers is going to get stoned to death. She makes the reader make many different conclusions about the horror that is about to unfold at the end of the story. Even if this story never gives clear answers it can be related to the atrocities that happen every day on our society and because the sake of tradition we are locked for letting them go even if it hurts some of our fellow human beings.
Conservative is the force that keeps this tradition alive as Old Man Warner suggested even that “things are not the way they used to be”. Who know what other atrocities people used to commit against one another in the past. The fact that at the beginning of the story kids where rounding up stones it’s just crazy. This can relate to the significance that leaders have on the rest of the society. People are driven by influences and how people can be sheep like and continue committing crimes to other human beings because someone influence them and they think they are doing it for a good cause. Every character in the story at first seemed to be filled with joy almost if they all were looking forward to this day. This notion of happiness in fact was for a good cause and to their eyes it was for the wellbeing of all villages. The “Pursuit of happiness” this very important notion and part in the American culture. This sacrifice was going to help the crops grow the entire year. Old Man Warner said ‘lottery in June, Corn be heavy soon’. Ancient

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